Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I'm thankful for

For my loving family. Not just Pat & John, but for my in-laws as well. They are awesome.
For my friends who are my family because they choose to be.
For my neighbors who have been there for me on countless occasions.
For my health and that of my family.
For a roof over my head and food to eat. There are too many who don't enjoy that luxury.
For a car to drive...and for gas prices coming down!
For my job and the opportunity to touch people's lives in it.
For the cool people I've met and friends I've made as a result of my job.
For the beautiful birds in my backyard.
For living in North Carolina.
For Lexington-style barbecue and sweet tea.
For the opportunity to travel.
For NASCAR...even this season.
And for the men and women who keep us all safe and make it possible for me to be thankful for all the other things!

Happy Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I cannot remember it snowing in central NC in November since I was in high school, but it happened early yesterday. Just a few flurries, but enough to get people around here excited. I can just hear all the transplanted Northerners laughing at us... I hope I never get to the point where I don't appreciate a pretty snowfall!
(photo courtesy of Clay JD Walker)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

What the rest of you are missing

I've always meant to tell the folks who don't get up as early as morning radio announcers what they're missing. A couple of mornings ago, a brilliant yellow, nearly-full moon hung low in the western sky. I didn't notice it until I got out on I-40 headed toward Greensboro and saw it following me in my side view mirror.

That got me thinking about the other cool things I've seen on a somewhat regular basis at 4:30 in the morning: awesomely clear skies and meteor showers, wildlife - including deer, rabbits, possums, skunks, foxes and a suspected coyote, and a strange man who walks along the road with his shirt off.

Y'all need to wake up earlier.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

OK, haters, time to stop.

Just a note to all those well-meaning folks who keep sending me e-mails with "who is Barack Obama" or "antichrist" in the subject line: you can stop now. The election is over. The people have spoken. There's not a thing you can do about it except settle down, say a prayer for our new President and hope that God gives him the guidance to do the job. Circulating hate-filled e-mails is just not the Christian thing to do, so please stop.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Cheap gas??

OK, this seems pretty silly for this to be the first thing I've written about in (how many?) months, but I went to fill up my car with gas a couple of days ago and it only cost me $31 and some change!!! I felt pretty smart until somebody called the radio station and said they found gas for$1.99 a gallon in Asheboro. Now, if I could only be sure these low prices would last.